Wheels Up Partners LLC

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Benefits Overview
    2. Benefits Education
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Contact us!
  3. Footer

Benefits Overview

There are several changes to our benefits for 2021 - please take a few minutes to review the benefits available!

Changes include:

  • New Medical and Prescription Drug Vendor
  • New Dental Plan
  • New Vision Plan
  • New Life, Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plan
  • New Short Term Disability Plan
  • New Long Term Disability Plan
  • New Employee Assistance Program

Enrollment will be captured on Employee Navigator.

Benefits Education

Wheels Up Benefit Guide

Detailed information about our Benefit plans

Wheels Up Benefit Guide

Detailed information about our ...

Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2021 Health Care Program, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review our 2021 Enrollment Guide and attend our upcoming education session to learn more about our 2021 benefits offerings

Education Session: https://www.brainshark.com/probeninc/vu?pi=zGGztUcF7zTAE9z0 

Join us for the education session below to learn more about our 2021 benefits programs

How To Enroll

Action Required

Visit www.employernavigator.com to review your current coverage to make your elections for 2021; no elections will carryover

If you do not already have an account, you will need to create one. Please click on "Register as a new user" and follow the steps to create your account.

The "Employer Identifier" when you register for Employee Navigator access is: WHEELSUP

To participate in a Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account in 2021, you must make an active election, even if you're already participating in 2020.

Contact us!

If you need assistance enrolling in your benefits, or understanding the options available to you, please contact one of the points of contact below.

Wheels Up (Client Contacts): General Questions

NFP (Account Team Contacts): Employee Navigator or Plan Specific Questions

TouchCare: Referenced Based Pricing Plan Questions

Client Contacts


Carla Thompson


(574) 264-5083


Stacey Richter


(203) 337-4637

Additional Contacts



