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Helping you and your family reach and maintain good health is very important to Waughtal Management. Waughtal Management is pleased to offer a selection of benefits designed with your health and financial wellbeing in mind. We review our benefit programs each year to ensure we consider the best combination of benefit coverage, network access and affordability for employees.
Regular employees working at least 30 hours per week are eligible to participate in benefits offered by Waughtal Management. When you enroll in the benefits program, you may also cover your eligible dependents.
The Benefit choices you make during your initial enrollment or annual open enrollment remain in effect for the entire year.
You can, however, modify your elections under certain circumstances, called "Qualifying Events". These are events such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, loss of eligibility under another plan. If you experience a qualifying event, you may make changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event.
You are eligible to participate if you. Your coverage will be effective 1st of the month following your date of hire.
All team members have access to our Employee Navigator online benefits enrollment platform 24/7 where you have the ability to enroll, select or change your benefits online during the annual open enrollment period, new hire orientation, and for qualifying events.
•Accessible 24/7;
•View all benefit plan options and your elections;
•View important carrier forms and links;
•Report a qualifying life event; and
•Make changes to beneficiary designations and more.
There are three medical plan options to choose from. Two options are PPO plans and one is an HSA compatible plan. See summaries and links below for more information.
Did You Know?
•Preventive Services are covered at 100% In-Network and copays & deductibles do not apply.
•You pay less out of pocket if you receive care from an In-Network provider.
How do I find an In-Network Provider?
Select the provider finder below to search for an in-network provider.
Dental Select's dental plan provides comprehensive coverage to help you and your family maintain good dental health. Providers are part of the Dental Select Platinum Co-Insurance network, or you may see an out-of-network dentist of your choice. Be aware if you go out-of-network, your costs will be higher.
Use the link below to find an in-network provider.
Select Dental then your city or zip code.
Select "Advanced Search".
The network is "Platinum (Co-Insurance)".
There are no changes to your vision plan this year.
Eye exams can help detect serious eye and general health conditions sooner: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol
Babies should receive their first professional eye exam at 6 months
80% of learning in the first 12 years comes through the eyes
Vision coverage through Dental Select (EyeMed network) to help pay for eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses. You receive a higher level of benefits when you see a provider in the EyeMed Select Network.
Use the link below to search for in-network providers. Choose the Dental Select EyeMed Insight network.
HSA Bank
If you participate in Waughtal Management, LLC’s high deductible health plan (HDHP), you can set aside money in a health savings account (HSA) before taxes are deducted to pay for eligible medical, dental and vision expenses.
An HSA is similar to an FSA in that you are eligible to pay for health care expenses with pre-tax dollars.
Advantages of an HSA include the following:
•Money can be invested much like 401(k) fund.
•Unused money is not forfeited at the end of the year and is carried forward.
•The account is yours to keep. You can take it with you if you change jobs or retire.
•If you have any money remaining after your retirement, you may withdraw it as cash.
--The maximum amount that you can contribute to an HSA in 2022 is $3,650 for individual coverage and $7,300 for family coverage.
--If you reach age 55 or older before the end of the year, you may make additional “catch-up” contributions of $1,000.
2023 IRS Contribution Limits:
Single: $3,850
Two Person or Family: $7,750