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Meeting Date
The Open Enrollment will be held from February 12th through February 21st.
Why is Open Enrollment Important to Me?
The 2025 Plan Year is fast approaching. VPD Government Solutions' Annual Open Enrollment will be held Wednesday, February 12th through Friday, February 21st. During this timeframe, you will have the opportunity to review the upcoming plan year benefit offerings, add or remove dependents, and enroll, change, or waive benefits.
The Open Enrollment will be ACTIVE. This means all benefit eligible employees must go into the UKG system and complete their elections by February 21st to be enrolled in benefits for the 3/1/2025 plan year. If you do not go through the Open Enrollment in the UKG system, you will be dropped from any benefits you were currently enrolled in except for the Employer Paid Life/AD&D and Disability benefits as of the 3/1/2025 plan year.
Important Things to Note:
Outside of Open Enrollment, no changes can be made to your benefits such as new enrollments, plan changes, or terminating coverage from the plans unless a Qualified Life Event occurs. Examples of Life Events include marriage, divorce, birth of a child, death of dependent, loss of other creditable coverage, and gain of other creditable coverage. Most Life Event changes need to be submitted for processing within 31 days of the Life Event occurring. Please view the Benefit Guidebook for additional information on Qualified Life Events.
Education Sessions will be held virtually. Please see below for dates and times of the meeting. Invites for these meetings have been emailed out to staff directly. Please check your inbox for the registration information. If not received, please reach out to Alexis Barco ( to have it resent.
Session dates and times:
Wednesday, February 12th at 9:30am EST
Friday, February 14th at 1:30pm EST
If you newly elect/increase employee and/or dependent Supplemental Life/AD&D insurance or newly elect Hospital Indemnity insurance, an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form is REQUIRED. If applicable, please complete the paper EOI form and return to Rachel Kulp at The EOI will be reviewed by Unum for approval. EOI's must be completed and sent to Rachel Kulp no later than 2/28/25. If an EOI is not received by Rachel by the 2/28/25 cutoff date, the new election will be declined. The paper EOI form can be found below.
Find all of your benefit plan options for the 2025 plan year within the below Benefit Guidebook and Open Enrollment Presentation.
InsurChoice is a digital marketplace that offers a more efficient and personalized way for individuals to access the solutions they need 24/7/365. One size doesn’t fit all, so you can match yourself with the best rates and coverages from multiple insurance companies. Select the products that meet your needs on your schedule.
InsurChoice offers a variety of products to allow you to pick and choose which products best fit your needs. For additional information, click the link below or scan the QR code.
AblePay Health is a voluntary employee benefit offered at NO-COST to you that can save you money on your deductible, coinsurance and even some copays (up to 13%) while also providing you with extended payment terms (over 3, 6, or 12 months). You can enroll whether you have your benefits through VPD Government Solutions or elsewhere.
AblePay contracts with over 35 hospitals and 900 physician groups. AblePay has also had success getting discounts for their members at other providers so use the card everywhere, and if not a participating provider, AblePay will try and contract with them.
Why sign up for AblePay?
Payment Terms and Discounts
Speak with AblePay Health directly by phone at 484-292-4000 or email
Please find compliance documents below for your 2025 plan year.
Please contact us with any questions.
Linda White, VPD Government Solutions Director of HR
Alexis Barco, VPD Government Solutions HR Administrator
Rachel Kulp, NFP Insurance Broker Account Executive