Sngular People LLC

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. 401 K Overview
    4. How To Enroll
    5. Contact Us
  3. Footer


Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2021 Health Care Program, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please plan to attend an upcoming educational session.

Education Session : (if conducting live sessions vs using a video)

Join us for the education session below to learn more about our 2021 benefits programs



Benefits Overview

benefits pic
  • Read about your 2021 benefits in the Employee Enrollment Guide
  • Watch this short video to learn more about your 2021 benefit options  (Add link to video)

How To Enroll

computer picture
Enroll in Your Benefits with Ease!
  • Use the secure login credentials you received by email to login to our new benefits administration system, Ease.
  • Visit (URL) to make your 2021 benefit elections.
  • Enrollment must be completed by December 4, 2020.

Contact Us

We can list the names and email addresses and/or phone numbers of the NFP client service team here.

Your HR team or any other corporate contacts can be listed here as well