Healthcare FSA
•Use for qualified medical, dental and vision - IRC 213(d) expenses
•Maximum $550 carryover option at the end of the calendar year, do not need to contribute in the following year to use carryover dollars
•The account is pre-loaded which means the dollars are available immediately for use
•2021 Maximum Election: $2,750.00
Limited Purpose Health FSA
•Use for qualified dental and vision expenses ONLY
•Maximum $550 carryover option at the end of the calendar year, do not need to contribute in the following year to use carryover dollars
•The account is pre-loaded which means the dollars are available immediately for use
•2021 Maximum Election: $2,750.00
•Can be used for dependents 12 years or under, elder parents living in your home, spouse who is physically or mentally challenged, adult dependent who is physically or mentally challenged
•You must work or attend school full time
•Daycare provider / Summer Camp / Extended Care
•This is a use it or lose it account (must use dollars by Dec 31st of plan year)
•Maximum election $5,000 (if single or married and filing jointly; $2,500 if married and filing separately)
•Mass Transit
Call the Employee Benefits Center weekdays at XXX-XXX-XXXX