Pannell Co

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  1. Header
  2. Open Enrollment Begins 8/3/2022
    1. WELCOME
    3. MEDICAL
    4. RX
    6. DENTAL
    7. VISION
    11. Plan Details
    12. Test
    13. TEST2
    14. Contact Us
  3. Footer

Open Enrollment Begins 8/3/2022


Helping you and your family reach and maintain good health is very important to Pannell Co. We are pleased to offer a selection of benefits designed with your health and financial wellbeing in mind. We review our benefit programs each year to ensure we consider the best combination of benefit coverage, network access, and affordability for employees.



Regular employees working at least 30 hours per week are eligible to participate in benefits offered by Pannell Co. When you enroll in the benefits program, you may also cover your eligible dependents.

Employee Eligibility

Your coverage will be effective 1st of the month following 60 days.

Dependent Eligibility

You may also enroll eligible dependents for benefits coverage. A ‘dependent’ is defined as the legal spouse and/or domestic partner and ‘dependent child(ren)’ of the plan participant or the spouse.

The term ‘child’ refers to any of the following:

•A natural (biological) child;

•A stepchild;

•A legally adopted child;

•A foster child;

•A child for whom legal guardianship has been awarded to the participant or the participant’s spouse/domestic partner; or

•Disabled dependents may be eligible if requirements set by the plan are met. 


The Benefit choices you make during your initial enrollment or annual open enrollment remain in effect for the entire year.


You can, however, modify your elections under certain circumstances, called "Qualifying Events". These are events such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, loss of eligibility under another plan. If you experience a qualifying event, you may make changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event.



All employees must complete an election form even if they are waiving coverage.  

Election Form - Fillable

Election Form - Fillable


There are two medical plan options to choose from.

Option 1: This option is a MEC (Minimum Essential Coverage) plan that covers preventative care only.

Option 2: This is a PPO plan through United HealthCare. 

You can access your plan information through Assured Benefits Administrators (ABA).

Access your information 24/7 with the Assured Benefits Member Portal

Developed with convenience in mind, our single source member portal provides quick and easy access to view claims, deductibles and maximums, access ID cards, download important documents, update member information and more.

To create a user account, please complete the following steps:

  1. Visit Click on Member Login at the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on Proceed to our sign up process.
  3. Read the License Agreement and click Agree
  4. Complete all applicable forms. Enter your first and last name, date of birth, and either Social Security number or member ID (exactly as it appears on your ID card).

The member portal may also be accessed via the MyABA mobile application, which is available for download on the Google Play™ Store or the Apple® App Store.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. by calling 1.800.247.7114.

How to Find a Provider

MEC Plan - The MEC plan uses the IMS network. See the MEC Find a Provider link below.

PPO Plan – The UHC PPO plan uses the Choice Plus network. See the PPO Find a Provider link below.

You can view the Recorded Medical Presentation below.

Medical Grid



Generic Drugs | Lowest copay: Members pay the lowest copay for generics, making these drugs the most cost-effective option for treatment.

Preferred Brand Drugs | Higher copay: This category includes preferred, brand name drugs that don't yet have a generic equivalent. These drugs are more expensive than generics, and a higher copay.

Non-preferred Brand Drugs |  Highest copay: In this category are nonpreferred brand name drugs for which there is either a generic alternative or a more cost-effective preferred brand. These drugs have the highest copay. Make sure to check for mail order discounts that may be available.


Specialty drugs are high-cost prescription medications used to treat complex, chronic conditions like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.

Specialty drugs sometimes require special handling and administration (typically injection or infusion), and patients using a specialty drug may need careful oversight from a health care provider who can watch for side effects and ensure that the medication is working as intended.

Helpful Rx Cost Savings Tools & Tips:

MAIL ORDER - Many drugs are available in a 90-day supply, rather than the 30-day retail supply. Typically, you will pay less if you choose to get a mail order 90-day supply.

GOOD Rx - There are many tools online that you can use in order to save on prescription costs. One being, an online Rx database that allows you to find what pharmacy is the cheapest for your specific prescription. Additionally, you may be able to find a coupon that will greatly reduce your cost. It is important to remember that many of the coupons can only be used outside of your plan (will not count towards your maximums).

ASK YOUR DOCTOR – Make sure to ask if there are cost savings alternatives to the prescription they are providing. Many times, there are generic or different manufacturers that will save you money at the pharmacy.

Save Money With Generic Drugs

Ask your doctor if it’s appropriate to use a generic drug rather than a brand. Generic drugs are less expensive, and according to the FDA, they contain the same active ingredients and are identical in dose, form and administrative method as a brand name.



Telemedicine is included with both plans through Lyric.


Simple as 1, 2, 3


Patient calls 1.866.223.8831 or logs on to their member portal to schedule a consultation with state licensed physician.


Member speaks to a Care Coordinator who will triage and update the patient's Electronic Health Record (EHR).


Member consults with Physician who recommends a treatment plan, and if medication(s) is prescribed, it's sent electronically.

When to use

Our goal is to provide you with convenient, affordable healthcare, when you need it most – 24/7/365.

•When you need care now

•If you have a health related questions, and just need professional guidance

•If you're considered the ER or urgent care center for a non-emergency issue

•On vacation, a business trip, or away from home



Voluntary Dental through Principal

Principal's dental plan provides comprehensive coverage to help you and your family maintain good dental health. Providers are part of the Principal network, or you may see an out-of-network dentist of your choice. Be aware if you go out-of-network, your costs could be higher.

You have two options to choose from. Both will cover preventative care at 100%. See the links below to view the summaries and watch the Dental Recorded Presentation.


If your dental care is extensive and you want to plan ahead for the cost, you can ask your dentist to submit a pre-treatment estimate. While it is not a guarantee of payment, a pre-treatment estimate can help you predict your out-of-pocket costs.

To find out if your provider is in-network, please visit the Principal website below.

Dental Grid


Voluntary Vision through Principal 


Eye exams can help detect serious eye and general health conditions sooner: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol

Babies should receive their first professional eye exam at 6 months

80% of learning in the first 12 years comes through the eyes

Pannell Co offers vision coverage through Principal using the VSP network to help pay for eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses. You receive a higher level of benefits when you see a provider in VSP's Network.

How do I use my vision benefit?

Once enrolled, simply tell your VSP doctor you’re a member and they will handle the rest. If you visit an in-network doctor for services and materials, you don’t need an ID card or have forms to complete.

How do I locate an in-network VSP doctor?

You will have access to the largest national network of private-practice eye care doctors in the industry through Vision Service Plan (VSP). There are three ways to find an in-network doctor:

1. Visit and select the Choice network.

2. Call VSP at 800-877-7195.

3. Download our mobile app, Benefit Tools, and search

for a doctor near you.

What happens if I use an out-of-network doctor?

You will be required to pay the full amount to the doctor at time of service. You can then submit a claim for reimbursement, which is a lesser benefit when compared to visiting a VSP doctor.

You can view the summary and Recorded Vision Presentation by selecting the links below.

Vision Grid


Voluntary Life through Principal

Supplemental Life

Life insurance is an important part of your financial security as it helps protect your family from financial risk and sudden loss of income in the event of your death. AD&D (Accidental Death & Dismemberment) insurance is equal to your Life benefit in the event of your death being a result of an accident, and may pay benefits for particular injuries sustained.​

All employees have the opportunity to enroll in Voluntary Life insurance coverage.  ​Coverage is also available for your spouse and/or child dependents, however, It is required that you elect coverage for yourself in order to elect coverage for your dependents. 

Cost of Coverage

Premiums are based on age-rated tables and paid by the employee every pay period through a payroll deduction. These premiums are post-tax and benefits payable are tax-free.

Coverage Options

Employee Coverage - Choose in $10,000 increments up to $500,000

Spouse Coverage - Choose in $5,000 increments up to the lesser of 100% of the amount you elect for yourself or $100,000

Dependent Coverage - Choose $5,000, or $10,000 benefit. Benefit from birth to age 14 days is $1000.

Guarantee Issue

Employee: If you’re under age 70: $150,000

Spouse: If your spouse is under 70: $30,000

Benefit Reduction – 35% reduction at age 65, with an additional 15% reduction at age 70

*Guaranteed Issue (GI) and Evidence of Insurability (EOI)

When you are first eligible (at hire) for Voluntary Life and AD&D, you may purchase up to the Guaranteed Issue (GI) for yourself and your spouse without providing proof of good health (EOI).

Any amount elected over the GI will require EOI. If you elect optional life coverage and are required to complete an EOI, it is your responsibility to complete the EOI and send to the provider (address will be listed on your form). In addition, your spouse will need to provide EOI to be eligible for coverage amounts over GI, or if coverage is requested at a later date.


It’s very important to designate beneficiaries. Taking a few minutes to designate your beneficiaries now will help ensure that your assets will be distributed according to your direction. 


What is Preventive Care?

What is Preventive Care?

Benefit Terms Explained

Benefit Terms Explained

How To Read An EOB (Explanation of Benefits)

How To Read An EOB (Explanation of Benefits)