Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2024 Pittsburg County Benefits, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family.
Thank you for taking the time today to review your benefit options for Open Enrollment 2024-2025. Open Enrollment is the 1x a year that you are able to change your elections. The only other time you are able make changes throughout the year, is if you have a qualifying event. For example, if you were to get married, divorced or have a baby - these are qualifying events that open a 30-day window to allow you to change your benefits. Other than that, this is the one time a year that you are able to change.
We have replaced the Blue Options Medical Plan with the Blue Advantage Plan while maintaining the same level of benefits. When searching for participating doctors and facilities, use the link below or go to to select the Blue Advantage Network.
To help you in making your coverage decision for 2024, the following information has been provided for you:
While we are interested and concerned about the health of our Employees and their dependents, we have HIPAA Privacy Compliance obligations which limit the information shared with us. NFP is available to assist you with claims issues or any other issues you have concerning our benefits. If you are experiencing a claim issue, please contact Customer Service with the appropriate insurance company first to see if you can resolve it on your own. If not, then you need to contact our broker for further assistance. Your personal advocate are as follows:
Bobbi Hartsfield
Hope Trammell
(918) 423-7785
Jodi Thompson
Account Manager