NFP Retirement

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Your Retirement Plan Advisors
    1. Your Retirement Plan
    2. Plan Custodian
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Financial Wellness
    5. Plan Overview
    6. Contact Us
  3. Footer

Your Retirement Plan Advisors


NFP is the Investment Advisor for your company sponsored retirement plan and we can

help you with all of your retirement planning goals.

Plan Overview – How to get enrolled, change your contributions, access your account online,

overview of the plan features.

Retirement Planning – Determine how much you need to retire, calculate if you are on track, discuss

how to make changes to meet your goals.

Investment Advice – Risk tolerance assessment, review your current investments, provide investment

advice and customize a plan for you.

Consolidating – Review of all your retirement accounts (IRA’s, prior employer retirement plans),

provide rollover assistance & consolidation.

Budgeting – Create a plan that works for you, determine what debt to pay down first, review and

assist with outstanding student loans.

Financial Solutions – Estate planning, IRA’s, life insurance, annuities, 529 college planning.

Your Retirement Plan


Plan Eligibility – You will be eligible to participate in the Plan when you have completed 60 days of service. Your Entry Date will be the first day you satisfy the eligibility requirements.

Auto-Enroll: Once eligible, you will be enrolled in the Plan with an automatic deferral of 3% of your compensation each payroll period unless you opt out of the Plan.

Auto-Increase: Your deferral amount will be increased by 1% per year up to a maximum of 6% of compensation.

Company Contribution: Your employer offers a 401(k) Match to any contributions you make. The company matches 100% of the contributions you make up on the first 1% of compensation, and 50% of contributions on the next 5% of compensation. To receive a full match, you must contribute 6% or more.

Investments: You have a variety of investment choices within your 401(k) Plan. You will be auto enrolled into a Target Date Fund that aligns with your retirement age (with an assumption of 65 years old). You can re-direct those investments to any investment option offered within the Plan.  Your investment options are listed on your John Hancock participant portal.

Plan Custodian

Computer Image
Your 401(k) account is administered by John Hancock

You can access your account by visiting the John Hancock site, or by calling John Hancock participant services at 800-395-1113. You can access the John Hancock site for the following services:

  • Enrollment and Contribution Changes: Get started in the plan, or make changes to the amount that comes out of your paycheck.
  • Balance and Investments: You can check your account balance, as well as view and make changes to your investments.
  • Statements and Notices: Your account statements and important plan documents are stored online.
  • Withdrawals: If you need to take money from the plan, you can review your options and submit distribution requests.

To access the John Hancock site, go to or click the link below! If it is your first time logging in, make sure to hit the "Register Now" button to set up your online account.

How To Enroll


To begin your enrollment online - go to or click on the link below.

To access your account for the first time click the "Register Now" button. Follow the prompts and enter the required information to set up your account.

Once online to complete your enrollment you will

  • Set your contribution amount. This amount will be taken out of each paycheck and contributed to the account on your behalf. You can always change how much you are contributing to your account.
  • Set your Investments. If you feel confident, you can pick and choose which funds you want to be invested in. Your plan also offers Target Date Funds, which will automatically invest in stocks and bonds for you, based on the year you are expecting to retire.

If you have any questions, or need help with the enrollment process, do not hesitate to contact your NFP advisors!

Contact Us

Questions? Contact your NFP Advisors below!

Additional Contacts


Beth Krasnow



Patrick Ilcin
