NFP-Branded Template 1

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Contact Us
  3. Footer


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Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2021 Health Care Program, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review our 2021 Enrollment Guide and attend our upcoming education session to learn more about our 2021 benefits offerings

Education Session : (if conducting live sessions vs using a video)

Join us for the education session below to learn more about our 2021 benefits programs



Benefits Overview

  • Read about what is new for 2021 (insert what's new document via Add resource)
  • Review all your benefits plans, options, and rates for 2021 (insert the full benefits guide via Add resource)
  • Watch this short video to learn more about your 2021 benefit options  (Add video via Add resource)
Account Management

How To Enroll

Action Required
  • Visit (URL) to review your current coverage and enroll and modify your elections for 2021.
  • If you'd like to change your existing coverage or make new elections, you must do so by November XX. Your current medical, dental and vision elections will carry forward to 2021 if you don't make a new election.
  • To participate in a Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account in 2021, you must make an active election, even if you're already participating in 2021. 


Contact Us

Call the Employee Benefits Center weekdays at XXX-XXX-XXXX