Millennium Steel of Texas, LP

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Contact Us
  3. Footer


Open enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2022 benefits program, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review our 2022 Open Enrollment Presentation to learn more about our 2022 benefits offerings.

Open Enrollment allows team members to make changes to benefits plans, including terminating (dropping) lines of coverage or adding/deleting dependents.

Benefit changes made during Open Enrollment will be effective for January 1, 2022.

If you do not enroll or make your changes during this window, the next time you will be able to enroll will be at the plan's next open enrollment for January 2023 UNLESS you have a qualifying life event, such as a marriage, birth, adoption, death, etc. You have 30 days from the date of the qualifying life event to contact your location's Human Resources Representative and make your desired changes. Should you have any questions regarding a qualifying life event, please see your location's Human Resources Representative and/or Payroll/Benefits Analyst.

Benefits Overview

Millennium has partnered with NFP to create a landing page that contains information about all 2022 benefits offerings Please review your 2022 benefits offerings and Open Enrollment presentation to learn more. If you have any questions regarding your 2022 benefit offerings and/or Open Enrollment, please contact your location's Human Resources Representative and/or Payroll/Benefits Analyst.


2022 Millennium Open Enrollment Presentation

2022 Millennium Open Enrollment Presentation

2022 Millennium Open Enrollment Presentation

2022 Millennium Open Enrollmen ...

2022 Millennium Benefit Summary

2022 Millennium Benefit Summary

2022 Millennium Benefit Summary

2022 Millennium Benefit Summar ...

2022 Millennium Benefit Election Form/Salary Reduction Agreement

2022 Millennium Benefit Election Form/Salary Reduction Agreement

2022 Millennium Benefit Election Form/Salary Reduction Agreement

2022 Millennium Benefit Electi ...

How To Enroll

Action Required


Review your 2022 Benefits Statement and the 2022 Open Enrollment Presentation

Should you elect to keep your existing coverage and/or current benefit elections, please sign and date the 2021 Benefits Statement and return to your location's Human Resources Representative and/or Payroll/Benefits Analyst by November 24, 2021. (NOTE: exceptions include Flexible Spending Accounts and United Way*)

Should you wish to change your existing coverage and/or benefit elections, please print and complete the 2021 Millennium Benefit Election Form/Salary Reduction Agreement and return to your location's Human Resources Representative and/or Payroll/Benefits Analyst by November 24, 2021.

·        *To participate in the Flexible Spending Account in 2022, you must make an active election, even if you're already participating in 2021.

·        *To participate in the United Way in 2022, you must make an active election, even if you’re already participating in 2021.

United Way Enrollment Form

United Way Pledge Form

United Way Enrollment Form

United Way Pledge Form

Flex/Dependent Care Enrollment

Flexible Spending Accounts (medical or dependent care) Enrollment Form

Flex/Dependent Care Enrollment

Flexible Spending Accounts (me ...

Contact Us

Please call or email your respective HR Representative and/or Payroll/Benefits Analyst with any questions or concerns.

Client Contacts


Erin Johnson

(812) 677-2588


Joyce Hatcher

(210) 883-6265