Open Enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2021 benefit offerings, review your plan options, and choose the best options for you and your family. Please see the information below, attached documents, and presentation videos.
The Benefit choices you make during your initial enrollment or annual open enrollment remain in effect for the entire year.
You can, however, modify your elections under certain circumstances, called "Qualifying Events" These are events such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, loss of eligibility under another plan. If you experience a qualifying event, you may make changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event or 60 days if the event is due to birth or adoption of a child.
Contact Human Resources if you have questions about qualifying events.
Action Required
All employees should complete their elections through Employee Navigator by 10/18/2021. Watch your email for a link inviting you to complete your elections for benefits effective 11/1/2021.
We are moving our medical plan to BlueCross BlueShield. There is a link to the video presentation below and the summary to the right.
Dental offered through Dental Select
There are no changes to your dental plan this year.
Dental Select's dental plan provides comprehensive coverage to help you and your family maintain good dental health. Providers are part of the Dental Select Platinum Co-Insurance network, or you may see an out-of-network dentist of your choice. Be aware if you go out-of-network, your costs may be higher.
Use the link below to find an in-network provider.
Select Dental then your city or zip code.
Select "Advanced Search".
The network is "Platinum (Co-Insurance)".
Vision offered through Dental Select (EyeMed Select network)
There are no changes to your vision plan this year.
BMDC, Inc offers vision coverage through Dental Select's EyeMed Select network to help pay for eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses. You receive a higher level of benefits when you see a provider in the EyeMed Select Network. Review your coverage details in your Benefit Guide.
To find out if your provider is in-network, please visit the Provider Finder link below. Choose the Eyemed Select network.