Longevity Holdings

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. INTRO
    5. MEDICAL
    6. FSA
    7. HSA
    8. TRA
    9. LSA
    10. DENTAL
    11. VISION
    17. CONTACT US
  3. Footer


Message from Human Resources

Longevity Holdings is pleased to offer an extensive selection of benefits designed with your health and financial wellbeing in mind. We review our benefit program each year to ensure our offerings provide the best combination of benefit coverage, network access and affordability.


If you are a new employee benefits are effective on your date of hire. If you are an existing employee and previously waived any benefits, you have the option during Open Enrollment to enroll or make benefit changes and add or drop dependent coverage without having a qualifying event.

FULL-TIME: You are eligible for all benefits if you are an employee working at least 30 hours a week


Join us for one of the online "live" webinar below to learn more about our 2023 benefits programs. These meetings will be approximately 60 minutes with time for Q&A.

Wednesday November 16th

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm (CST)

Webinar Linke (Microsoft TEAMS):

Click here to join the meeting


An Overview of 2023 Benefit Changes

Longevity Holdings Inc recognizes the importance of being able to provide our employees and their families with quality benefits as part of their overall compensation package. Longevity Holding's is pleased to announce that they are switching to HealthPartners medical plans effective January 1st, 2023. Please review the materials on this landing page for details of this change.

Below are some highlights of the upcoming 2023 changes to your employee benefits:

  • Longevity is changing over to HealthPartners effective January 1st, 2023, this will replace the current coverage with BlueCross BlueShield of MN
  • There will also be a change to the carrier that administers the HSA, FSA, Dependent FSA, TRA accounts. We are excited to add the addition of a LifeStyle Spending Account (LSA) the new vendor will be WEX Health.

Longevity Holdings has developed a comprehensive benefits package that delivers quality and value while satisfying the diverse needs of our workforce. This landing page highlights the benefit options offered by Longevity Holdings Inc for January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

Your Employee Benefit Guide and this web page provides general information as an overview. If there is any discrepancy between the insurance carrier's certificate of coverage or summary plan description and this web page or Benefit Guide, the insurance plan documents will prevail. If you have any questions, contact Human Resources.

Please utilize the attached benefit guide to review your benefit options during open enrollment.


How To Enroll In Benefits


If you are a new hire ready to enroll in our benefits, you can do so through our enrollment portal, Ease. Online enrollment with Ease is simple and can be done in a few minutes from any computer, or mobile device with internet access. You will be sent a login email by the Human Resources department. Once you create a username and password, if you forgot your password, simply click on the “I’m unable to login” link to get an email to reset your password. If you no longer have the login email or it has expired, you can request a new one be sent by your HR Team.


The Benefit choices you make during your initial enrollment or annual open enrollment remain in effect for the entire year.

You can, however, modify your elections under certain circumstances, called "Qualifying Events" These are events such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, loss of eligibility under another plan. If you experience a qualifying event, you may make changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event or 60 days if the event is due to birth or adoption of a child.

Refer to your Employee Benefits Guide or contact Human Resources if you have questions about qualifying events.



Longevity Holdings offers three medical plan options for Full-time employees. All options provide high-quality, affordable medical care, including preventive care, doctor's visits, hospitalization, and emergency care. However, each plan has unique characteristics and advantages. The plans are offered through HealthPartners.


  • $1,500 Deductible Plan
  • $25 Copay Plan
  • $3,000 H.S.A. Plan


  • Open Access: In this network you have access to the largest selection of providers in Minnesota and outside of Minnesota


Refer to your Employee Benefits Guide or to the HealthPartners Plan Summaries for additional coverage information.

HealthPartners $25 Copay Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners $25 Copay Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners $1,500 Deductible Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners $1,500 Deductible Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners $3,000 Deductible HSA Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners $3,000 Deductible HSA Open Access Network Plan

HealthPartners Open Enrollment Brochure

HealthPartners Open Enrollment Brochure


Flexible Spending Accounts with WEXHealth

Your Flexible Spending Account is switching from Further by Health Equity to WEXHealth effective January 1, 2023

The Health Care and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible expenses. By contributing to one or both of the Flexible Spending Accounts you reduce your taxable income, so you pay less in taxes — which saves you money.


Full-time: Health Care FSA, Limited Health Care FSA, and/or Dependent Care FSA


The election you make during enrollment is your election for the entire plan year. You may change it only if you have a qualifying life event and the change request must be consistent with the event.

You may contribute as follows:

Health Care FSA

  • Up to $3,050 annually
  • All benefit eligible can participate, unless you or your spouse are contributing to an HSA.
  • Reimbursements allowed for unreimbursed medical, prescription, dental, and vision expenses

Limited Health Care FSA used with an HSA

  • Up to $3,050 annually
  • Only participants who contribute to an HSA are eligible
  • Reimbursements are limited to unreimbursed dental and vision expenses only

Dependent Care FSA

  • Up to $5,000 annually
  • Limited to $2,500 if you are married and file separate tax returns

How the Plan Works

You must incur your eligible expenses during the plan year — January 1 to December 31. An expense is considered to be incurred when the service is performed, not when you are billed or pay for the service. You do, however, have until March 31st annually to file your claims. Any funds after March 31 unclaimed will be forfeited.

FSA Overview

FSA Overview

Dependent Care FSA Overview

Dependent Care FSA Overview


Health Savings Account (HSA) WEXHealth

Your HSA Accounts will be switching administrators from Further by Health Equity to WEXHealth effective January 1, 2023.

Full-time employees only are eligible to participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health savings accounts (HSA’s) are a tax-advantaged savings account paired with a high deductible health plan exclusively for the purpose of paying qualified medical, dental and vision expenses for you, your spouse and your dependents. You must be enrolled in the $3,000 HSA Plan to be eligible to contribute to an HSA.

At enrollment, you select how much money you want deducted from each paycheck (26) on a pre-tax basis to meet your medical needs. You may change your election throughout the year. The IRS limits the amount of contributions employees are allowed each year, as follows:

2023 Annual Maximum Contribution

  • Employee Only: $3850
  • All other tiers: $7,750

If you are between the ages of 55-65, you can also make an additional $1,000 “catch-up” contribution annually.

HSA Overview

HSA Overview


Transportation Reimbursement Account (TRA)

A transportation reimbursement account (TRA) is a personal expense account that allows you to set aside a portion of your salary pretax reducing your taxable income. You can use that money to pay for transportation and parking expenses related to commuting to and from work.

You decide monthly how much to contribute to pay for work-related commuting expenses.

The amount you select is withheld pretax from your pay in equal portions throughout the month and put into your TRA.

Unused money from your TRA will roll over from month to month.

The IRS places limits on how much you can save for transportation tax free. This is the most you can withhold from your check,

To log into your TRA account click the link below:

2023 TRA Contribution Limits:

Qualified Parking 2023: $300

Public Transportation and vanpools 2023: $300

TRA Overview

TRA Overview


LifeStyle Spending Account

The PIP (personal/professional improvement plan) Program will now by referred to as a LifeStyle spending account. Longevity Holdings is excited to introduce this change and the enhanced functionality this program will bring in 2023!


A benefit in which your employer sets aside money for you to use on eligible expenses related to physical, financial, and emotional wellbeing. This benefit meets the needs of everyone, no matter your stage of life, age or circumstances and is designed to improve your overall well being or lifestyle. 

Longevity’s current PIP (personal/professional improvement plan) dollars will populate to the new LifeStyle Spending Account (LSA)

Please review the attached brochure for more details about how this account works. Refer to your employee benefit guide for examples of reimbursable expenses.

LSA Overview

LSA Overview


UNUM Dental Plan

Dental Insurance is available to Full-time employees.

Good oral care enhances overall physical health, appearance and mental well-being. Problems with the teeth and gums are common and easily treated health problems. Keep your teeth healthy and your smile bright with the Longevity Holding's dental benefit plan through UNUM.

Dental Plan Summary Low Plan

Dental Plan Summary Low Plan

Dental Plan Summary High Plan

Dental Plan Summary High Plan


UNUM Vision Plan

Longevity Holding's offers a Voluntary Vision plan through UNUM.


Vision coverage is important because regular eye examinations not only determine if you need corrective eye wear, but also may detect general health problems

in their earliest stages. Protection for the eyes should be a major concern to everyone. 


For more information on the benefits click on the links to view the benefit summary.

Vision Plan Summary

Vision Plan Summary


UNUM Basic Life & AD&D

Longevity Holdings provides Full-time eligible employees with basic term life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage at no cost to you.

Who's Your Beneficiary? Naming a beneficiary is a crucial part of electing life insurance. Also, don't forget to update your primary or secondary beneficiary if you experience a life event, such as a divorce or birth of a child.

Basic Life Insurance Flyer

Basic Life Insurance Flyer


Overview of Voluntary Life Coverage for You and Your Family

Voluntary Life Insurance with UNUM can help your loved ones with financial needs after your death during the specified period of your coverage. In addition to day-to-day expenses,

Employee coverage is available in $10,000 increments to $300,000 up to 5X your earnings, Employee guarantee issue is $100,000.


Spouse coverage is available in $5,000 increments with a maximum of $100,000, Spouse guarantee issue is $25,000.


Child coverage amount starts at $1,000 for live birth to 6 months and then increases to amounts in $2,000 increments for 6 months up to 26 years, with a maximum of $10,000.


Employee and Spouse benefits reduce to 65% of original amount at age 70 and 50% of original amount at age 75.


If you are a new hire you can enroll without filling out the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form, and there is no waiting period for coverage. If you waive coverage and would like to enroll at a later date, you will be subject to underwriting and need to fill out the EOI form, and get approval from UNUM.

Who's Your Beneficiary? Naming a beneficiary is a crucial part of electing life insurance. Also, don't forget to update your primary or secondary beneficiary if you experience a life event, such as a divorce or birth of a child.

Voluntary Life Flyer

Voluntary Life Flyer

Guaranteed Issue Flyer

Guaranteed Issue Flyer


Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance with UNUM can help replace a portion of your income when you're unable to work. If you are unable to work for a few weeks due to a covered injury, illness or even childbirth, UNUM's Short Term Disability Insurance can provide an ongoing benefit to help keep your finances stable.


Longevity Holdings pays 100% of this benefit, so you are automatically enrolled once you are eligible.


Click on the documents below to learn more about our STD plan.

STD Flyer

STD Flyer


Long Term Disability insurance helps replace a portion of your income for an extended period of time.


All Active Full-Time Employees working at least 30 hours per week are provided this benefit by Longevity Holdings at no cost to the employee.


The Long-Term Disability benefit amount is 66 2/3% of your pre-disability monthly earnings to a monthly maximum benefit of $2,000.  There is an elimination period of 90 days, which is the length of time you need to be disabled prior to becoming eligible for a benefit.

LTD Flyer

LTD Flyer


As you consider your benefit options, please be sure to review all available information: Employee Benefits Guide, HealthPartners enrollment materials, and other videos and flyers found on this webpage. If you don't understand your benefits or need any assistance enrolling in EASE, please contact:

Terri Pilaczynski

(612) 756-2714

Questions? Email: hr@longevity.inc