Welcome to your 2023 - 2024 open enrollment! In this page, you will find all of the information regarding the benefits offered by James Martin, and find yourself equipped with resources to find care and plan information.
Remember: open enrollment is mandatory and takes place from July 13 through July 17. All election forms or no change forms must be filled out and given to Edith prior to 5 PM on July 17.
Open Enrollment will take place via meetings on July 13, 2023. New hires have the opportunity to complete open enrollment upon completion of appropriate waiting periods.
The "2023-2024 Benefit Guide" will provide a brief overview of the benefits offered by James Martin. To learn more about each benefit, click on the sections below.
To read more about your benefits in a summarized fashion, it is best to review your "2023-2024 Benefit Guide". Here you will see that nothing has changed from a plan prospective aside from with your vision plan offering. This will now be administered through EyeMed. More detail is available in the "Vision" section of this Landing Page.
Eligibility and Qualifying Life Events
Benefits are offered to full-time employees who work a minimum of 30 hours a week. New employees are eligible on the 1st of the month following 60 days of active employment. Dependents, as defined as a legal spouse or child may be enrolled with employees as well. Dependent eligibility varies by line of coverage, please consult HR with questions.
Qualifying life events allow you to change your coverage when something changes in your life. Some examples include, marriage and divorce, birth or adoption, and loss or gain of coverage related to those circumstances previously listed. After these changes occur, you have 30 days from event date to change necessary elections.
James Martin offers two plans through Blue Care Network of Michigan. There is an HMO 1000 (buy-up) and an HMO Routine Care 3000 (core). HMO plans require a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Both plans also offer prescription drugs at various costs and in the core plan, you must hit your deductible, in other words you must pay for drugs at cost, before the tiered copays are paid for the drugs. More information can be found in your booklet or the Blue Care Network benefit summaries.
Virtual Visits
Online medical care is available through Blue Cross. The cost of this is $20 on the HMO 1000 plan and $30 on the HMO 3000 plan. To access virtual care, download the BCBSM online visits app, visit bcbsmonlinevisits.com, or call 1-800-606-1608.
Dental coverage is provided by Guardian. There are two available plans, a PPO and a DHMO. There is a difference in monthly cost as well as what coverage is available. The PPO plan has the higher monthly cost and has out of network coverage, the DHMO does not. More information on plan differentials can be found in your booklet or plan summaries.
Vision coverage is provided by EyeMed. Additional details can be found in your benefit summaries or employee booklet.
Core life is paid for by James Martin through Michigan Manufacturers Association via MetLife. The benefit varies by job class. When filling out your election form, be sure to select a beneficiary.
Class 1 - Full-Time Officers and Managers
Class 2 - Full-Time Assistant Managers
Class 3 - Full-Time Sales Personnel
Class 4 - All Other Full-Time Employees
AD&D - Benefit doubles in the event of an accident
Age reduction is applied 35% of original benefit at age 65 and 50% of original benefit at age 70.