
DVL Incorporated

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Open Enrollment
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. Resources
    4. How To Enroll
    5. Contact Us
  3. Footer

Open Enrollment

Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2022 Benefits, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review our Guidebook and attend our upcoming education session to learn more about our 2022 benefits offerings.

This annual enrollment will be an active open enrollment, which means you must make your benefit elections by Monday, November 29, if you wish to be enrolled in benefits for the 2022 plan year.

Open Enrollment is the one time of year where you can update your elections without experiencing a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). Your elections you make will remain in place until December 31, 2022 unless you notify HR within 30 days of your QLE to be eligible to make new elections. 

To view the open enrollment webinar go to DVL's Office 365 Stream website or download the Open Enrollment Slide Deck on the right.

Open Enrollment Webinar Slide Deck

Open Enrollment Webinar Slide Deck

Benefits Overview

Our medical plans will remain with Cigna for 2022. All medical plans have been revamped to help control a substantial increase in medical premiums. DVL is absorbing the majority of the costs for the medical plans. Depending on your plan selection, you may see either an increase or decrease to your medical premium. You will have the choice of three medical plan offerings: two plans are high deductible health plans where you must meet the deductible before plan benefits begin, and you may set money aside in a health savings account (HSA) to help with your health care expenses. The third plan is a copay/coinsurance plan with the deductible applying to certain services only. Please be sure to attend our upcoming webinar for additional details.  

We are thrilled to announce that all medical plans will include infertility services effective January 1st! Coverage includes lab and radiology testing, counseling, surgical treatment, artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, GIFT, ZIFT, ICS, and cryopreservation services.

NEW: Waiver Credit - if you do not enroll in one of the Cigna medical plans, you will be eligible for a $200 monthly waiver credit ($100 per pay).

Our Dental & Vision plans and rates will stay the same for 2022!

Supplemental Benefits (Accident, Hospital Indemnity, Critical Illness) and Long Term Care insurance is available to all associates during this open enrollment!

All plans will be reviewed in detail during the upcoming open enrollment webinars. Please plan on attending.  

How To Enroll

Action Required
  • Visit Paylocity by clicking here to review your current elections and make any updates no later than November 29, 2021.
  • Your current elections will not carry forward to 2022 if you do not make a new election.

Contact Us

Questions about your benefits? 

Contact the NFP Benefit Support Team

Email: BenefitsSupportTeamCSMidAtlantic@nfp.com

Phone: 855-287-2202