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Annual Open Enrollment Timeline - November 7th to November 18th
The City of Barberton will be remaining as is with Medical Mutual for the Medical and Life plans. The Dental and Vision will be moving to MetLife. MetLife has a wider variety of in-network dentists with no changes the to plan designs. Please remember to confirm if your dentist and eye doctor are in the new network with MetLife.
The City of Barberton works diligently to provide you with an affordable and best in class Health Care Program.
Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2023 Health Care Program, review your current coverage in BenXpress and choose the best options for you and your family.
Please review our 2023 Employee Benefit Guide Book and be sure to enroll at BenXpress by November 18th.
Remember, this is the only time during the year that you can enroll in coverage or change your benefit elections, unless you have a qualifying event during the year. You have 30 days from the qualifying event to notify HR to make the changes. Common life events are; marriage, divorce, birth, adoption and loss in coverage.
Medical: Medical Mutual will continue as the medical carrier with no plan changes.
****NOTE: Medical Mutual has a new out of state network provider for 2023, Cigna. Due to this change, all members will be receiving new ID cards.
Prescription: Administered by Express Scripts and changing formulary from Basic to National Preferred. Members impacted with the change in formulary will receive a letter from Express Scripts. NOTE: You physician can request a medical necessity review with Express Scripts if the current medication needs to be continued due to a medical reason.
Dental: New Carrier – MetLife will administer the dental plan with no benefit changes.
Vision: New Carrier – MetLife will administer the vision plan with a few changes.
Life/AD&D and Voluntary Life: MedMutual Life will administer the Life/AD&D and Voluntary Life with no benefit changes however, new enhancements/services are available effective 1/1/2022. See Page 16 for details.
• Online Will Preparation services
• Identify Theft Services
• Global Travel Emergency Services
EAP: Ease@work will continue to provide the Employee Assistance Program.
Telemedicine 24/7: First Stop Health provides AT NO COST to plan members. Minor illnesses and conditions only.
FSA: Flexible Spending Account for Healthcare and Dependent Care will continue to be provided through Ameriflex.
Worksite: AFLAC will continue to be the provider for the worksite products that will include two Accident policies, Critical Illness (including cancer), Short Term Disability and Hospital Indemnity. Wellness benefits are included
ImpaxRX: A Prescription Advocacy Vendor who works on members behalf to obtain high cost medications at no cost or no copay through a Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Prescription Assistance Plan (PAP).
When you go to a Vision provider or call the 800 number: I-800-GET-MET8. Please specify that you are in the Superior Network with MetLife. This will give them access to the true Vison Plan and make sure that the providers are not just looking at the Discount Program that is offered to everyone.
MetLife offers a Vision discount Program to all groups that have Dental. This is separate from the true Vision plan that the City of Barberton offers employees.
Jaime Iceman
(330) 848-6714
Michelle Wolfe
(330) 848-6710