
Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Key Contacts
  3. Footer


Annual enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2021 Health Care Program, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review our 2021 Enrollment Guide and attend one of the upcoming sessions to learn more about our 2021 benefits offerings.

Education Session: 

The education sessions have concluded for the 2021 Open Enrollment. The presentation and associated materials can be found on this site.

2021 Open Enrollment Presentation

2021 Open Enrollment Presentation

Benefits Overview

We appreciate all of our employee's hard work during this difficult time. We are excited to announce several additions to our benefit offerings. Below is a quick highlight of the new plan offerings:

  • Medical Plans - We have revamped our plan offering and added a 2nd plan. We have made enhancements to the HDHP with HSA plan by increasing the employer coinsurance from 80% to 100% which picks up 100% of the medical costs after the deductible has been met.

  • Vision Plan - We have increased the frame allowance to $150

  • Life and Disability - We have invested in our employees by increasing the basic life benefit to $50k and providing Short and Long Term disability benefits. Bonaventure has elected to pay 100% of the premiums for the Basic Life, AD&D, STD and LTD plans.

Bonaventure has invested greatly into you, the employee, so please take this time to learn about all of the new benefits that Bonaventure is providing to you.

How To Enroll

Action Required

In order to enroll in your benefits, you must login to Landrum and make your elections, even if you are not making any changes.

Open Enrollment is the one time of year where you can update your elections. The elections you make will remain in place until December 31, 2021. You cannot make changes to these elections unless you have a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). You must notify HR within 30 days of your QLE to be eligible to make new elections. For a full list of Qualifying Life Events, click here.

Key Contacts

If you still have questions after reviewing all of the benefit materials provided, please reach out to one of the contacts listed for further assistance.

Medical | Cigna


Dental | Cigna


Vision | Cigna


Life and Disability | Cigna


Benefits HR Support | Landrum HR


NFP | Faith Jones
