Aphase II

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Welcome
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Eligibility & Enrollment
    1. Eligibility
    2. Enrollment
  5. Medical & Rx
    1. Medical/Rx Plans Overview
    2. Rx Information
    3. Providers & Networks
    4. Virtual Visits
    5. Carrier Resources & Education
  6. Accounts
    1. Health Savings Account (HSA)
    2. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
    3. Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA)
  7. Dental
    1. Dental Plans Overview
    2. Providers & Networks
    3. Carrier Resources & Education
  8. Vision
    1. Network & Resources
  9. Financial Protection
    1. Life/AD&D
    2. Disability
  10. Additional Educational Videos
  11. Have Questions?
  12. Footer


open enrollment

Open Enrollment is from November 25, 2024, through December 11, 2024. This is the time of year where you can elect new plans with Aphase II. You may switch between plans and make changes without being required to have a qualifying life event.


In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, where stress and mental health issues are on the rise, effective well-being plays a crucial role. At Whitesell Corporation, we recognize that a healthy, content workforce is not only more productive but also fosters a positive culture. We strive for a supportive and inclusive environment where we encourage and support improvement of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Whether within a corporate setting, a community, or on a personal level, well-being focuses on fostering awareness, empathy, and support to create a healthier and more balanced workplace and environment for all. Prioritizing employee wellness and wellbeing is not just a policy but a reflection of our commitment to both the individual and collective success of team.

To access the wellbeing newsletter, which includes resources, tips, recipes, and more, please select the button below.


Eligibility & Enrollment

Medical & Rx

Health Alliance Plan (HAP) | Group #10006514 (PPO) Group #10006513 (HMO) | www.hap.org

HAP will be your medical and prescription carrier. You have the choice between four plans for the 2025 plan year. View the Providers & Networks for more information on how these plans networks differ from each other as well as buttons to locate participating providers.

If you enroll in one of the medical plans, please be sure to register through the HAP member portal where you can access important information, including participating providers, explanation of benefits, and your deductibles and out-of-pocket costs.

  • Team members will have access to the HAP member portal as of January 1st.
  • Information on how to register online can be found here.
  • Aphase II is working hard to make sure that all team members have their new HAP ID cards before January 1st.
HAP Member Portal

HAP Member Portal


Health Equity

(866) 346-5800 | memberservices@healthequity.com | www.healthequity.com

You have the opportunity to contribute to a savings account on a pre-tax basis which lowers your taxable income. View the information below for important details and guidelines for the HSA account offered by Aphase II.


Delta Dental

Group #8233 (EPO) and #1515 (PPO) | 800.524.0149 | www.deltadentalmi.com

Aphase II's dental plans provide comprehensive coverage to help you and your family maintain good dental health. The dental plans include both in and out of network benefits. Although your cost sharing is the same in and out of network, if you do go out of network it is likely that you will experience balance billing.

If you are already enrolled in one of the Aphase II's Delta Dental plans today and have not already done so, please be sure to register through the Delta Dental member portal where you can access important information pertaining to your dental plan with Delta Dental including participating providers, coverage information, and explanation of benefits/claims. If you are not currently covered, you will be able to register in the Delta Dental portal as of your effective date of coverage.

Delta Member Portal

Log-In/Register Here!

Delta Member Portal

Log-In/Register Here!