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Meeting Date
Annual Enrollment is from April 6th to April 15th
Annual Open Enrollment is your opportunity to learn about the 2022/2023 Health Care benefits offered by AIMS/AMC, review your current coverage and choose the best options for you and your family. Please review the 2022/2023 Benefit Enrollment Guide and attend our upcoming education session to learn more about our benefits offerings.
Open Enrollment Meetings :
Join us for one of the Open Enrollment Meetings to learn more about our benefit programs. All session will be virtual, registration links are above:
Wednesday, April 6th at 9am
Wednesday, April 6th at 2pm
Wednesday, April 13th at 9am
Additionally, our broker NFP, will be hosting a Live Q&A Session on Thursday, April 14th from 2pm - 3pm. During this time you can drop in to the Zoom Session and ask any questions you have related to benefits, carrier networks, or how to make changes.
Our 2022/2023 Benefit Program include medical options through Kaiser and Health Net, two dental plans through MetLife and Vision through VSP (MetLife). Life and Disability plans will continue to be offered through Lincoln Financial Group.
Key Highlights and Changes
Review your 2022/2023 Benefit Enrollment Guide for plan details
Katherine Ott
Nicole Canfield