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Meeting Date
Open Enrollment runs from 12/2/2021 through 12/16/2021.
Helping you and your family reach and maintain good health is very important to Canje. Canje is pleased to offer a selection of benefits designed with your health and financial wellbeing in mind. We review our benefit programs each year to ensure we consider the best combination of benefit coverage, network access and affordability for employees.
Regular employees working at least 30 hours per week are eligible to participate in benefits offered by Emmer & Rye. When you enroll in the benefits program, you may also cover your eligible dependents.
Education Sessions
Join us for one of the online "live" webinars below to learn more about your benefit options. These meetings will be approximately 45 minutes long with time for Q&A.
OPTION 1: 12/2/2021
Time: 11:00 am
OPTION 2: 12/3/2021
Time: 1:00 pm
The Benefit choices you make during your initial enrollment or annual open enrollment remain in effect for the entire year.
You can, however, modify your elections under certain circumstances, called "Qualifying Events". These are events such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, loss of eligibility under another plan. If you experience a qualifying event, you may make changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event or 60 days if the event is due to birth or adoption of a child.
You are eligible to participate if you are full-time and work a minimum of 30 hours per week. Your coverage will be effective 1st of the month following 60 days from your date of hire.
Enroll through Employee Navigator (see link below) or complete an election form (see election form below) by 12/15/2021.
If you are enrolling in Sedera:
Existing Members: This year there are no changes! It will be a very simple process. You do not need to reenroll on the Sedera portal if you want to continue your memberships as it is today. All memberships will be renewed based on Members’ current selections if they do not take any action. If you need to make a change to your current membership, you will follow the link you will receive from Sedera the first week of December.
New Sedera Members - In addition to completing the election form or Employee Navigator enrollment, new Sedera members must complete their enrollment through the Sedera portal before the 19th of the month to ensure an effective date of 1/1/2022. If you do not do this your enrollment may not be processed properly.
New Members:
Click the following link and enter the Employer code below.
Link Forthcoming. Check with HR.
Employer Verification Code: ___
Option 1 - Sedera (cost sharing) with MEC (Minimum Essential Coverage)
The Sedera combo plan has two parts: Sedera Cost Sharing and a Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plan which will cover your preventative care.
Cost Sharing Plan with Sedera
Sedera is a cost sharing community that will share the cost of the large events in life.* The Sedera plan doesn't have a network. Please reference the Sedera materials and view the video presentations below for details.
There is no ID for this plan and no network. You will present yourself as a cash payer and start a "Need" on the member portal if the total goes over your chosen IUA (Initial Unshareable Amount). See "Sedera Select + Presentation" link below.
Telemedicine is included with your Sedera membership.
Teladoc gives you access 24 hours, 7 days a week to a U.S. board-certified doctor through the convenience of phone, video or mobile app visits.
Teladoc doctors can treat many medical conditions, including:
• Cold & flu symptoms
• Allergies
• Pink Eye
• Respiratory infection
• Sinus problems
• Skin problems
• And more!
1-800-Teladoc (835-2362)
*Pre-existing limitations apply.
See how to enroll above.
MEC (Minimum Essential Coverage) - Preventative Care through Apex / Pinnacle
When you enroll in Sedera you are automatically enrolled in this plan.
Your ID cards are accessed from the Health Wallet app. See flyer to the right and presentation below.
This plan will cover your preventative care at 100% and also provides the framework for an HSA banking account. You do need to stay in network for your preventative care. All preventative care mandated by ACA is covered. You can see a complete list here.
PHCS network search instructions:
●Go to
●Click on Find a Provider in the upper right corner
●Click on the green Select Network button & choose PHCS
●Click the green Select Network box
●Choose PHCS in the pop-up box
●Select Preventive Services Only
Option 2 - Humana (fully insured)
The Humana plans are fully insured medical plans. You have two options:
1. Bronze HSA
2. Gold PPO
Both plans allows you the freedom to use providers in and out-of-network. The network name is National Point of Service. The Humana network search can be accessed through
Click the link below to view the Humana Presentation.
Dental Select's dental plan provides comprehensive coverage to help you and your family maintain good dental health. Providers are part of the Dental Select Platinum Co-Insurance network, or you may see an out-of-network dentist of your choice. Be aware if you go out-of-network, your costs will be higher.
Use the link below to find an in-network provider.
Select Dental then your city or zip code.
Select "Advanced Search".
The network is "Platinum (Co-Insurance)".
Voluntary Vision through Dental Select
Emmer & Rye offers vision coverage through Dental Select to help pay for eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses. You receive a higher level of benefits when you see a provider in Dental Select's EyeMed Select Network. Review your coverage details in your Benefit Guide.
To find out if your provider is in-network, please visit the EyeMed Select Network below.
Life is full of challenges...
Protecting your way of life shouldn’t be one.
Accident insurance helps offset the unexpected medical expenses that can result from a covered accidental injury.
Choose options your way:
Coverage is available for your spouse and eligible dependents with most products.
Benefits are paid directly to you, unless you specify otherwise.
With most plans, you can continue coverage when you retire or change jobs, with no increase in premiums.
With most plans, you receive benefits regardless of any insurance you may have with other companies.
If you are interested in learning more or enrolling in the Colonial products, please contact Brian Madtes, the Colonial representative directly at 210-827-5648 or you can email