Welcome! In this page, you will find all of the information regarding the benefits offered by Beanstalk and find yourself equipped with resources to find care and plan information.
The "2023-2024 Benefit Guide" will provide a brief overview of the benefits offered by Beanstalk. To learn more about each benefit, click on the sections below.
As you review your Benefit Guide, you will see that there are a few changes to your medical plans with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. All other coverages available are remaining the same for the new plan year, which includes the life and short-term disability plans that are paid by Beanstalk. The coming pages will provide more detail on these plan offerings. While exploring benefits, be sure to note the value-added benefits provided through Mutual of Omaha!
Eligibility and Qualifying Life Events
Benefits are offered to full-time employees who work a minimum of 30 hours a week. New employees are eligible on the 1st of the month following 60 days of active employment. Dependents, as defined as a legal spouse or child may be enrolled with employees as well. Dependent eligibility varies by line of coverage. If you have a child on your dental and vision plan, they may remain until the end of the month they turn 26. If they are on medical plans, they have until the end of the calendar year they turn 26.
Qualifying life events allow you to change your coverage when something changes in your life. Some examples include, marriage and divorce, birth or adoption, and loss or gain of coverage related to those circumstances previously listed. After these changes occur, you have 30 days from event date to change necessary elections by contacting Tamara Knapp or Krystol Rappuhn.
Beanstalk offers two plans through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
There is a PPO 1000 and a PPO 4000. The PPO 4000 has a flat $50 monthly contribution for employees and the spouse/dependent contributions are 100% of their respective ages. The PPO 1000 has a buy-up contribution from the PPO 4000 for employees, and the spouse/dependent contribution is also 100% of their respective age rate. Your per pay cost can be found on the election/enrollment form.
Please note there have been changes to the coinsurance percentage, coinsurance maximum and some copays due to BCBSM's plan requirements.
Virtual Visits
Online medical care is available through Blue Cross. These are covered at 100% if medically necessary. To access virtual care, download the BCBSM online visits app (available on the Google Play Store for Android or the Apple App Store for IOS), visit bcbsmonlinevisits.com, or call 1-800-606-1608.
Your dental coverage is through Mutual of Omaha. Plan detail and contributions can be found below, as well as resources to learn more about dental insurance, Mutual of Omaha's product detail, and how to find a dentist. Beanstalk pays 95% towards employee only dental coverage and you are responsible for the remaining 5% and 100% of your dependents.
Your vision coverage is through Mutual of Omaha. Plan detail and contributions can be found below, as well as resources to learn more about vision insurance, Mutual of Omaha's product detail, and how to find a provider. Beanstalk pays 95% towards employee only vision coverage and you are responsible for the remaining 5% and 100% of your dependents.
Basic Life and AD&D are paid for by Beanstalk through Mutual of Omaha. All employees have a $25,000 benefit. This is 100% Employer Paid by Beanstalk.
Age reduction is applied 35% of original benefit at age 65 and 50% of original benefit at age 70.
Short-term disability is also paid for by Beanstalk through Mutual of Omaha. In the event of an accident making, you unable to work, this plan will pay 60% to $500 a week based on your earnings. STD begins on the 1st day after an accident and 8th day after an illness and will pay up to 13 weeks. Maternity leave is considered an illness, and this will vary based on type of birth. Please reference the resources below for more detail.
New hires have the opportunity to complete open enrollment upon completion of appropriate waiting periods.
As you consider your benefit options, please be sure to review all available information. If you need further assistance, please reach out to Tamara Knapp.
This is a high-level guide of certain benefits your employer offers. The information in this benefits guide is intended as a general outline of the benefits available under the following welfare benefit programs offered by your employer and should not be considered legal, investment or other benefits advice. Benefits described are subject to change, amendment, or termination without notice to, or the agreement of, any employee/participant. All protected health information is confidential, pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. If you have any questions about your benefits guide, contact Tamara Knapp. If you (and/or your dependents) have Medicare or will become eligible for Medicare in the next 12 months, a Federal law gives you more choices about your prescription drug coverage.
Tamara Knapp