
Eye Care Associates

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. Page
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits Overview
    3. How To Enroll
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Contact Us
  3. Footer


This Open Enrollment will be Active.

This means your elections will need to be made by November 16th to be effective for the plan year beginning December 1st , 2020.

Open enrollment starts on November 16th and will close on Friday November 20th.

What is new this plan year?

·      Eye Care Associates will be introducing Employee Navigator, a fully streamlined online experience, for enrolling in your benefits. Link to register and enroll in benefit through Employee Navigator are detailed under How To Enroll.

·      The medical benefits are moving from United Healthcare to Cigna.

·      New for December 2020 – opportunity to enroll in a dental plan through Cigna!

·      The Voluntary Life and AD&D benefit will continue to be offered through Principal – if you are currently enrolled, your cost will not change unless you age into a new bracket. If you previously waived, you can enroll but you will need to fill out a Statement of Health.

Why is Open Enrollment Important?

The benefit elections you make during open enrollment will go into effect on December 1, 2020 and remains in effect until November 31, 2021 unless you experience a qualifying life event.


You must go into Employee Navigator by November 20th in order to have coverage effective December 1, 2020. If you do not your current medical coverage will END on November 30, 2020.



You can call the NFP Benefit Support Team with questions in regards to benefits and assistance with escalating claims issues.

NFP Benefit Support Team



Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm EST

Benefits Overview

Below is a high level overview of your benefit offerings. For a more in-depth review, please consult your Benefits Guidebook.


.       Cigna

Both plans feature Cigna’s Telemedicine Benefit for members, 24/7 for non-emergent care/issues.

   High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

o  The HDHP has an upfront $3,000 for Employee only coverage / $6,000 family deductible that applies to all services including prescription drugs. The family deductible is aggregate. This means the full $6,000 must be satisfied by any covered family member before the plan pays a benefit.


Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

o  The PPO plan has a $2,000 per member deductible / $4,000 max per family deductible. This applies to certain services such as emergency room, surgical services, etc. The deductible does not apply for office visits to your primary doctor or specialist, lab work and prescription drugs.


Preventative care is still covered at 100% for both Medical Plans.

Click Here to Find a Cigna Medical Provider Please enter your Address/City/Zip/Network Name “OA Plus Choice Plus” to Locate a provider

Click Here to Search the Cigna Formulary HDHP using the Advantage 3 tier formulary and PPO plan uses the Advantage 4 tier formulary




.       Cigna

   Low PPO Plan

o  The Low PPO plan offers coverage for preventative and basic services only. Covered services include fillings, cleanings, and simple extractions with a $1,000 annual maximum benefit.

    High PPO Plan

o  The High PPO Plan provides coverage for preventative, basic and major services, and orthodontia. The annual benefit maximum is $1,500.

Click Here to Find a Cigna Dental Provider Please enter your Address/City/Zip/Network Name” to Locate a provider

Voluntary Life/AD&D

If you are currently enrolled you can increase your benefit by two increments without providing a statement of health. If you previously waived coverage you will need to complete a statement of health for any request in election.

.       Principal offers Voluntary Life and AD&D Coverage as follows:

Employee – Minimum $10,000 / Maximum $300,000 of coverage

Spouse – Minimum $5,000 / Maximum $100,000 of coverage

Child – Minimum $10,000 / Maximum $20,000 of coverage

You must elect coverage at an employee level coverage to have access to Spouse/Child


How To Enroll

Action Required

Contact Us


You can call the NFP Benefit Support Team with questions in regards to benefits and assistance with escalating claims issues.

NFP Benefit Support Team



Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm EST