Well-written policies and procedures provide a baseline and template for a well-functioning organization. However, the degree that they are actually and consistently followed, and implemented in a fair and humane way, is key to their usefulness. Implementation will determine overall trends and long-term outcomes for the organization. In essence, the culture and ethic of the organization overrides the influence of policies and procedures around personnel, safety, security, corporate ethics, cybersecurity and anything else.
There is a general misconception that employee behavior and conduct are the root cause that drive accidents and losses. Many believe that if you have the facts to prove what you consider to be common sense before an administrator law judge, workers’ compensation board, administrator or commission, then your side will prevail. Or, alternatively, that every claim is a lost cause no matter what the facts are.
But research on these subjects prove differently from accepted myths. In fact, the uncommon logic is that individual employees yield the least impact over the company culture itself. The prevailing company culture strongly influences how things are done, how managers and supervisors handle, hire, fire, provide constructive feedback, incentivize and develop competent productive employees.
Meanwhile, each compensation system is nuanced. There are ways to work and plan to your strength, and strategize to contain and minimize claims proliferation and losses as much as possible within the legal framework that determines medical liabilities and losses. How incident investigations are conducted and how the reports are composed can be instrumental to the ultimate development of a claim. The timing of what transpires in a claim can be strategized along with reserving schedules to give you the optimal experience modification outcomes. For example, reserves alone at any given time do not always reflect the entire story of a claim. They fluctuate with developments. They can be reduced, especially, when it matters most.
The OHS Group at NFP has consultants to help determine what areas and aspects of your management system can be strengthened to provide the operational leverage your policies are meant to have on controlling costs, minimizing losses and liabilities, and maximizing the productivity and potential of all your resources.
The OHS Group provides consultation to organizations on these foundational concepts to help organizations become more effective at minimizing claims, and maximizing the resources attributed to these activities for optimal operational leverage.
Under this premise, there are different versions of management training topics that OHS Group can provide, customized to each organization’s specific needs. Foundational courses that introduce the above premise, along with further facts about how these systems work and how to manage and control outcomes better to benefit your organizational goals, include:
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