Discover A New Insurance Experience for your Employer Groups
We personalize our clothing, music, and groceries. Why not let us help your clients personalize protection for their employees?
InsurChoice – NFP's Digital Marketplace
InsurChoice offers you the ability to personalize a protection program for your employer group — bringing quick, convenient, holistic coverage with incredible cost-saving discounts across a variety of top-rated insurance products and carriers. Our program is simple, fast, and always online.
InsurChoice provides a unique one-stop digital marketplace that offers choice, it is 100% portable, and is accessible 24/7/365
Available all throughout the year NOT just at open enrollment- In fact we suggest enrolling your group in the off cycle
InsurChoice is administered on a platform that requires zero cost- so there are zero fees to participate!
InsurChoice products are all directly billed to the individual resulting in no administrative work
We are trademarked and licensed to do business in all 50 states - Certain products may vary by state (Talk to your InsurChoice Contact)