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Commercial Auto

Do you use vehicles for your business? Then you probably need commercial auto insurance. Here are some things to consider.

  • Who owns and drives the vehicle? If it’s owned by your business and/or employees drive it, you'll need a commercial auto insurance policy. If you're a sole proprietor (and the sole driver), a personal auto insurance policy may be enough.
  • How is the vehicle used? If you use it for business purposes, you'll probably need a commercial auto insurance policy. If you're a sole proprietor who only travels one or two job sites a day, or just uses the vehicle for commuting, a personal auto insurance policy will likely work.
  • What is the type and weight of the vehicle? If the vehicle you drive is heavier than a normal size pickup or SUV, like a dump truck, tow truck, semi or commercial trailer, you’ll likely need a commercial auto insurance policy. Heavy-duty vehicles can cause more damage if they're involved in an accident and may require special insurance coverages.
  • What are your required business liability limits? If your business vehicle requires higher liability limits, you’ll probably need a commercial auto insurance policy. Commercial auto insurance policies typically offer higher limits than personal auto insurance policies. 

Contact Us

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