Cyber Placement

Table of Content

  1. Header
  2. What is it?
    1. Introduction
    2. What the Insurance Covers
    3. Third-Party Coverage
    4. Emerging Risks
    5. NFP’s Customized Cyber Liability Solution
    6. NFP’s Customized Cyber Liability Solution
  3. What the Insurance Covers
  4. Third-Party Coverage
  5. Emerging Risks
  6. NFP’s Customized Cyber Liability Solution
  7. Footer
What is it?

Provides coverage for liability and costs associated with a network security breach and compromise of personally identifiable information, protected health information and corporate confidential information.

Coverage for first party incidents and claims made by the company as well as liability claims against the company.

What the Insurance Covers

First-Party Coverage

  • Crisis Management
  • Retention of Expert Legal Counsel
  • Notification Expense and Credit Monitoring
  • Forensic Investigations
  • Public Relations
  • Data Recovery
  • Business Interruption and Extra Expense
  • System Failure
  • Dependent Business Interruption
  • Cyber Extortion and Ransomware

Third-Party Coverage

  • Technology Products and Services
  • Privacy and Cyber Security
  • Media Liability
  • Privacy Regulatory Defense, Awards and Fines
  • PCI Fines and Penalties

Emerging Risks
  • Increase in Ransomware Demands – Especially Due to COVID
  • BIPA Claims
  • State Sponsored Attacks Continuing to Grow
  • IP as the Target of PII Attacks
  • Increase in Municipalities Being Targeted
  • Crypto Jacking
  • Heightened Incident Disclosure Expectations (SEC, NY DFS, GDPR)

NFP’s Customized Cyber Liability Solution
  • Proactive service from an experienced team of professionals.
  • Customized polices considering the client’s industry, size and trends.
  • A panel of extensive breach response consultants to support clients if an incident would occur.
  • A dedicated claims advocacy practice to ensure maximum incident recovery.